Binscarth Park and Pool

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The Park & Pool is an integral part of Binscarth.  It’s considered one of the largest on the Yellowhead highway, featuring water slides, a couple of diving boards and knee level entry that makes it accessible to all ages.  The Park and Pool employs 20 students and 2 adults and offers two sets of swimming lessons, both of which are usually full, as well as youth summer camp sessions.  The Park is equipped with a campground with 44 campsites ranging from tenting sites to full serviced sites, some of which are seasonal.  It also includes a great playground area, 11 hole miniature golf course, beach volleyball court, and a lovely picnic area.  This facility is a huge asset not only to Binscarth but to the entire surrounding area.

For more information about the Binscarth Park & Pool such as hours of operation for the pool and concession, swimming fees and camping fees, please visit the Binscarth Park & Pool website.          

To book a CAMPSITE, please email

To register for SWIMMING LESSONS, please email

Have INQUIRIES? Call (204) 532-2353 or email